Maths Without Limits
Opening Young Minds to Endless Possibilities
Multiply & Divide
Money Puzzle: Notes and Coins
Money Puzzle: Notes and Coins

This unit begins with a numberless problem, which we try to to solve by putting different numbers in. In the process, we look at UK coinage and notes and the patterns in the numbers. There is then a...

Multiplying and Dividing with Two-step Functions
Multiplying and Dividing with Two-step Functions

This unit explores the idea that carrying out certain calculations mentally (eg doubling, halving, multiplying and dividing by ten) is relatively easy and that these operations can then be combined...

Arrays, Rows and Columns
Arrays, Rows and Columns

This activity introduces the concept of arrays and explores the language of rows and columns.  Once they have learned the concepts, the children make arrays of their own choice and then use these to...

What can we discover about multiples?
What can we discover about multiples?

This activity is an open exploration into the multiples of different numbers, and their links with other multiples.  It would sit well at a point where pupils are familiar with the multiples of 2, 5...

How much can we learn about multiples and factors?
How much can we learn about multiples and factors?

This activity is aimed at children who have a basic experience of multiples and factors and whose learning needs to be consolidated or deepened. It is in three parts. Part 1 explores multiples, Part...

Rectangle Diagram – Multiply Two Numbers
Rectangle Diagram – Multiply Two Numbers

This is one of a series of visual skill builders which are designed to give children a toolkit of diagrams, words and phrases to help them explain their mathematical understanding and solve...

Multiples and Digit Wheels
Multiples and Digit Wheels

This is a lovely activity which is very simple to do, and is great for showing that Maths is full of patterns.  The patterns in the numbers then generate satisfying visual patterns. Important Note:...

Factor Rainbows
Factor Rainbows

A factor rainbow is a beautiful idea that deserves to be part of every child’s Mathematical vocabulary.  This mini exploration encourages them to explore freely and see how many they can find....

Tables Quiz Speed Game
Tables Quiz Speed Game

Once children have learned a series of multiplication tables they need to be able to quickly answer a mixed selection of questions. This game is designed to build their skills in doing this at...


Investigate the populations of towns or countries and learn how to work out how many more people live in one town than another and how many times bigger one town is compared with another....

How Big are Cuboids?
How Big are Cuboids?

This is an open-ended extended exploration designed to be used over multiple weeks.  Each section builds on the learning from the previous one but is does not need all to be completed at once. It...

Upstairs Downstairs
Upstairs Downstairs

Get things moving with this lively game which uses the space around the body to develop skills in doubling. Can also be used for halving.

Handshakes, Cards, Roses and Triangles
Handshakes, Cards, Roses and Triangles

An investigation into four related problems which all generate number patterns linked to the triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10 etc. Consolidates pupils' use of problem-solving strategies such as...

Multiplication Rectangles and Factor Rainbows
Multiplication Rectangles and Factor Rainbows

An engaging investigation into multiplication and the concept of factors.  Investigate which numbers have few factors and which have lots. Explore square numbers and look at the ‘specialness’ of the...

Chopping up a Metre Stick
Chopping up a Metre Stick

Well, not ACTUALLY cutting it up – but imagine…  Suppose you wanted to make 4 pieces or 5 pieces. Where would you chop? How about 3 pieces? Get totally immersed in how division, fractions and...

How Many Each and Altogether?
How Many Each and Altogether?

How many frogs in each pond? How many ponds? How many frogs altogether?  WORK BIG to get to grips with the key language you need to understand problems with words in them. Extend into the ideas of...

Make it Fair
Make it Fair

Raid the games cupboard for hoops and bean bags and you are all set for this engaging talking activity. Children are determined to make it fair and in so doing explore the concepts of odd and even,...

Number Chains and Digit Wheels
Number Chains and Digit Wheels

Make beautiful patterns with this wide-ranging investigation into the digit patterns that you get when you repeatedly add or subtract a single digit to or from a larger number.   Links well both to...

How Many Fingers?
How Many Fingers?

I wonder how many fingers we have here?  Just 10? But you have ten, Jamie has ten, Sophie has ten…  A lively and engaging talking investigation exploring counting in 10s and 20s beyond 100.

Tap Say Turn
Tap Say Turn

Get excited by how quickly you can use this nifty game to memorise your tables facts and recall them in any order. Learn the rules together with the class and then work individually at your own...

Thigh Clap Snap Snap
Thigh Clap Snap Snap

Get clapping and rapping to commit the tables facts (2x1=2, 2x2=4, 2x3=6 etc) to memory.

The Counting Stick
The Counting Stick

Have fun as a whole class developing awareness of where the stations of each table sit in relation to each other. Start by walking, then take flying lessons and finally go ‘Night Time’ to learn to...

The Counting Caterpillar
The Counting Caterpillar

Use this cheerful chappie to help memorise the ‘stations’ of each table. Learn the rules together with the whole class and then work on your own in school or at home, at your own level. Perfect...