Lines, Angles and Shapes
This single resource allows for the consolidation and development of a wide range of mathematical skills and concepts, covering line, angle, shape, symmetry, area and proportionality. It can be...
The Great 2D Shape Investigation
An umbrella investigation stimulating a wide variety of explorations into 2-D shapes. Depending on the lines of enquiry that develop, you can then use material from related investigations such...
Constructing Shapes
Constructing shapes with compasses is always great fun because you get pretty patterns. But this investigation goes well beyond regular activities with pupils being given an open-ended challenge to...
Properties of Quadrilaterals
Find out why a square is a special kind of rectangle but a rectangle is not a special kind of square!Explore the differences rhombuses and parallelograms, kites and trapeziums.Investigate questions...
Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Investigate the angles in different triangles and quadrilaterals and discover the facts about their totals.
Perimeter and Areas of Triangles and Quadrilaterals
You may be able to calculate the perimeters and areas of a rectangle and a triangle, but can you explain why the formulas work? Build on this to explore other quadrilaterals: rhombus, kite,...