Add and Subtract
Money Puzzle: Change
This unit begins with a numberless problem, which we try to to solve by putting different numbers in. In the process, we look at UK coinage and notes and the patterns in the numbers. There are then...
Addition Puzzles
This activity is aimed at children who have mastered the standard written method of addition and are looking for a greater challenge. The various tasks give lots of practice of the addition skill as...
Degrees of Heat and Frost
Negative numbers can be a confusing topic for children if they are simply taught rules. The ‘two minuses make a plus’ rule is a classic one for causing confusion as it is often applied wrongly. ...
Before & After Problems
Using a diagram is a really important problem-solving strategy. Depending on the type of problem, different diagrams will be useful. This exploration looks at one group of problems - ‘before and...
How to Help Young Children to Add & Subtract
Why do they do sums this way instead of this way? INTERESTING FACT: Children who are held back from learning the written methods for addition and subtraction, and are first encouraged to...
This exploration introduces pupils to the Worldometer population table and then gives them various challenges to consolidate their skills in finding information in a table, reading large numbers...
Investigate the populations of towns or countries and learn how to work out how many more people live in one town than another and how many times bigger one town is compared with another....
Formulas for Sequences
Investigate the connection between number sequences and the rules that generate them. Begin by exploring two simple matchstick patterns and develop into investigating line graphs for formulas.
Number Chains and Digit Wheels
Make beautiful patterns with this wide-ranging investigation into the digit patterns that you get when you repeatedly add or subtract a single digit to or from a larger number. Links well both to...
The Number Triangle Game
When children first learn to add and subtract, they will be encouraged to use their fingers to help them. This is a good strategy for small numbers. Once they have understood the concepts, they...
Sums and Differences
Small numbers are not always easy! This pair game will provide challenge and develop problem solving skills while you are consolidating addition and subtraction facts within 20.
Metre Stick Jumps
This series of practical activities with metre sticks is excellent for developing children’s thinking in adding and subtracting multiples of ten from any two digit number.
Back to Back Metre Sticks
Ever heard of learning money with metre sticks!? This elegant but simple activity will help develop recall of the number pairs that add to make 100 and so help with finding change from £1.
Tap Say Turn Change from £1
Get to grips with money with this versatile game designed to develop rapid recall of number pairs to 100(10 + 90, 20 + 80 and then 25 + 75, 35 + 65 etc.) Secure knowledge of these facts makes...
Good Morning Mr Shopkeeper
Good Morning, Mr Shopkeeper, I would like a pencil. That wil be 6 pence! A simple game to help build up the concept of change from 10p or from £1.
Find the Treasure
Get to grips with missing number problems like 7+?=15 using these engaging games on a floor number track. Teach the games to the class and then leave the track in place while the children do their...
Tap Say Turn Number Bonds
Play this simple game to develop rapid recall of the story of ten (6+4=10 etc), the doubles (7+7=14 etc) and the teens facts (10+3=13 etc). Play it in class, with pupils all working individually,...