Tides provide a great context for exploring both decimal measurements and time intervals. We are first introduced to an online tide table, explore how to calculate time intervals using a timeline,...
How Big is the Room?
This activity begins with an open group challenge to find out how big the room is. This naturally leads into learning about measurement equivalences and averaging. There is enough material in the...
Latitude and Longitude
This exploration introduces pupils to a latitude and longitude data table and then gives them various challenges to consolidate their skills in finding information in a table, reading decimals...
The Egyptian Triangle
Discover the special triangle that the Egyptians used in their buildings, while learning about how simple decimals work, the importance of accurate measuring and how to work systematically to solve...
Numbers Between Numbers
Explore where simple fractions and decimals sit on the number line and how they relate to each other.
How Big is the Room?
How do you introduce decimals to young children? This practical investigation works a treat, and also gives you the opportunity to discuss accuracy in measuring, averages and perimeter!