Fractions and Percentages Of and Off
In this extended exploration we use a metre stick or counting stick as a representation of the whole or 100%, and explore mental strategies for finding different fractions and percentages of an...
What links can we find between fractions and percentages?
This activity was specifically designed to support the following learning intention: How can we use a metre stick, a hundred square and the factor rainbow for 100 to explore the link between...
Fractions on a Hundred Square
This short exploration uses a hundred square as a representation of one whole, to explore how fractions work on a hundred square. It is assumed that the children have a basic understanding of...
Fractions on a metre stick
This extended exploration makes use of a variety of different visualisations to help develop the understanding of equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. We start with the metre...
How Big is the Room?
This activity begins with an open group challenge to find out how big the room is. This naturally leads into learning about measurement equivalences and averaging. There is enough material in the...
Numbers Between Numbers
Explore where simple fractions and decimals sit on the number line and how they relate to each other.
Chopping up a Metre Stick
Well, not ACTUALLY cutting it up – but imagine… Suppose you wanted to make 4 pieces or 5 pieces. Where would you chop? How about 3 pieces? Get totally immersed in how division, fractions and...