Below you will find a list of activities that may be suitable for this age group. Please remember, however, that a child’s ability to engage with any activity will depend more on their prior experience and understanding than on their chronological age. Please, therefore, also browse the activities for adjacent age groups.
Drawing Straight Lines
Children can have real trouble drawing lines accurately. This is a skill that needs carefully taught. This activity teaches how to draw straight lines using a ruler to join dots on spotty paper....
The Egyptian Triangle
Discover the special triangle that the Egyptians used in their buildings, while learning about how simple decimals work, the importance of accurate measuring and how to work systematically to solve...
How Many Each and Altogether?
How many frogs in each pond? How many ponds? How many frogs altogether? WORK BIG to get to grips with the key language you need to understand problems with words in them. Extend into the ideas of...
Number Chains and Digit Wheels
Make beautiful patterns with this wide-ranging investigation into the digit patterns that you get when you repeatedly add or subtract a single digit to or from a larger number. Links well both to...
Tap Say Turn
Get excited by how quickly you can use this nifty game to memorise your tables facts and recall them in any order. Learn the rules together with the class and then work individually at your own...
Thigh Clap Snap Snap
Get clapping and rapping to commit the tables facts (2x1=2, 2x2=4, 2x3=6 etc) to memory.
Metre Stick Jumps
This series of practical activities with metre sticks is excellent for developing children’s thinking in adding and subtracting multiples of ten from any two digit number.
Two Hands One Piano
Metre sticks are brilliant for Maths! Use this practical 'show me' activity to consolidate the positions of the numbers between 0 and 100. Builds the skill of locating 68, for example, by...
Tap Say Turn Change from £1
Get to grips with money with this versatile game designed to develop rapid recall of number pairs to 100(10 + 90, 20 + 80 and then 25 + 75, 35 + 65 etc.) Secure knowledge of these facts makes...
Good Morning Mr Shopkeeper
Good Morning, Mr Shopkeeper, I would like a pencil. That wil be 6 pence! A simple game to help build up the concept of change from 10p or from £1.
Counting Stick Numbers to 100
A lively, whole-class interactivity to help memorise the position of the tens numbers between 0 and 100.
Find the Treasure
Get to grips with missing number problems like 7+?=15 using these engaging games on a floor number track. Teach the games to the class and then leave the track in place while the children do their...
The Counting Stick
Have fun as a whole class developing awareness of where the stations of each table sit in relation to each other. Start by walking, then take flying lessons and finally go ‘Night Time’ to learn to...
The Counting Caterpillar
Use this cheerful chappie to help memorise the ‘stations’ of each table. Learn the rules together with the whole class and then work on your own in school or at home, at your own level. Perfect...