Maths Without Limits
Opening Young Minds to Endless Possibilities

Guidance for Teachers

Problem Solving Through Dialogue

Many teachers will introduce a new idea in a Maths lesson by presenting a problem and then getting the class to suggest possible answers. These will be discussed and the teacher will lead the class...

How to Help Young Children to Add & Subtract
How to Help Young Children to Add & Subtract

  Why do they do sums this way instead of this way? INTERESTING FACT:  Children who are held back from learning the written methods for addition and subtraction, and are first encouraged to...

Tips for Helping with Maths At Home
Tips for Helping with Maths At Home

A handy 1-page guide for parents on how to get the best from children when doing Maths at home: be positive, revise frequently, take things at a steady pace and take regular breaks!  

Success with Fractions – Part 1
Success with Fractions – Part 1

A clear step-by-step guide for parents and teachers on how to help children to learn about fractions. Packed with practical ideas. Part 1 covers the first four years of formal schooling.  

What can you do with 200 metre sticks?
What can you do with 200 metre sticks?

First published in the SMC Primary Journal Issue 1 (2017) Two years ago we bought 100 metre sticks.  Last year we bought 100 more! Used together with base ten materials, metre sticks...

Metrestick fractions-decimals-percentages
Metrestick fractions-decimals-percentages

(first published in the SMC Journal Issue 48) In my last article, I shared what a fantastic resource metre sticks are for teaching early addition and subtraction skills. In this article I will...

Meet CEDRIC – and learn from mistakes
Meet CEDRIC – and learn from mistakes

(first published in TES – July 2019) I walked into a colleague’s classroom some months ago and saw this above the board: “Mistakes are to be expected, respected, inspected and corrected.”...